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‘Please take a cup of kindness yet’ – goodwill, friendship, and kind regards in remembrance of noble deeds. In the “Days gone by’ we have poured our hearts and souls into lifesaving travel safety:

  • We’ve worked with United States Presidents, Senators, and Representatives
  • Influenced policies at the US Departments of Education and State
  • Passed State Study Abroad Laws
  • Garnered major media attention as travel safety experts
  • Earned standing ovations and awards
  • And, most importantly, SAVED LIVES by developing Travel HEROES safety preparedness online course and workshops

We did this in honor of our son Tyler Hill, and so many others, who died needlessly on a trip of a lifetime abroad because travel and tourism consumer safety is so very poor.

It breaks my heart, literally. I am scheduled for open-heart surgery for mitral valve replacement and ablation at Mayo Clinic, in less than two weeks. I am resigning to make my recovery and health a priority.

We are grateful to Lana Weber for stepping up as Executive Director. We are actively seeking partners to take our lifesaving work to the next level. Please reach out with your recommendations.
It is my honor and privilege to know and work with you as Depart Smart and Travel HEROES founder. Together, we created consumer education standards to help people travel in lifesaving ways. How awesome!

It will be interesting to see where this next chapter takes me.